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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Moving On Up... To Wordpress...

For the couple of poor, lonely, bored souls that actually follow this blog, I am moving to wordpress (that's the only reason that I can think of that anyone would read the drivel that I write, LOL, so please don't be offended).

I have decided that with all of the screw-ups that I've made with my own relationships and of course what I've seen from others, that someone MUST benefit.

So, look out world, I am going to put the knowledge and experience that I have with men, marriage and madness out there one posting at a time.  And I will stick to just one (uno, eins) blog from now on.  I am going to consolidate this one and any others I have floating around and add them to the wordpress blog... I promise :)
The new and forever blog is:

Hopefully, it will be an interesting ride for all... Lord knows, it hasn't stopped being one for me!