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Thursday, August 20, 2009

No Where Near Together....

This blog began as a way for me to hopefully help others like me (and their partners) deal with some of the struggles that can go along with the day to day stresses of having Asperger's and having to maintain any long term relationship. As time has gone on in my relationship, it has just gotten more bizarre.

Who knows why I can't keep things going in a relationship...If I knew, would I be writing this blog? I also wouldn't feel like a failure. Here's what I was told:

I will always be there for you.
I know that you have issues, that's ok. I can handle it.
"You know what I love about Jenn, she can just deal with things and smile and keep going sometimes...I've learned that from her. She's a better person than I am."
I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere.
You make me a better man.

All I want is someone that wants a life together...we may live in the same house, but were not anywhere near together.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Down With Hallmark....Love Is Not Enough!!

It's probably better that I have little to no people reading this blog...Because this entry is going to be a doozy....

Ok, I'm going to say it.....


I think it's a huge crock made up by the movie industry and Hallmark. Come on, if you're about to sign out, you can't honestly think that you haven't heard this before? I am NOT the first person that has ever said this. The thing that people call "love" is a chemical process that slowly disintegrates over time and whatever you're left with is the rest of the story (a lasting relationship, or a break-up).

It's called compatibility, people. Why haven't we grasped that yet? E-harmony has....that's why they give you a million and 1 questions. They know that in the end, you have to LIKE the person and their values.

If your relationship becomes really hard to maintain and you ask someone, "Why are you with me?" and their answer is "Because I love you"....


Love is not real.

Dirty socks are real. Your stuff, their stuff.....That's real. These things need to be worked out before you decide that you are in it for the long haul. Living together is great....Write down your expectations. Be honest.

Be worse than honest. Be Brutal...Do you fart in the middle of the night? Tell the person you care about that you could send a neighborhood underground in fear of their lives.....

Are you a slob? Make your place ten times worse and invite your significant other over to see the reaction....

Are you up with the sun....Do they sleep in?....this may not be huge now....You LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE the person right now. Just wait. When your honey is complaining that you are being too loud at 10am and half of your day is shot to hell.....It will happen when they get comfy enough to start giving you a hard time....

My Grandmother always said to marry your best friend. I would have, except he was a 6 foot 5 inch gay man and not terribly interested in me that way. It makes sense though, doesn't it? Your best friend embodies all of the qualities that you have. You don't choose friends that are polar opposites.

LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH!!!! You need understanding, truth, caring and connection. Honesty about who you are. Understanding about what happens when two lives merge. Caring enough about each other to handle the speedbumps.

And the true connection that will keep you together through the tough times. Love is a myth. A card that I threw in the trash a long time ago.

By the way, I am not a cynic, I am a realist.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Karma's a Bitch, Just Wait and See....

My ex-husband has decided to try again to make my life miserable AGAIN...He told me that he received a letter from the IRS stating that they would like him for an interview about me and some "unreported" income I supposedly had last year.

Unreported....I would have liked any extra income! PERIOD!!!! Let's see...How obvious can you be really....He said that it was an anonymous tip, right....right.....

Let's be logical here:

1. We go to court next week because he wasn't paying child support for our daughter....

2. When he decided he wasn't going to accept his responsibility, I raised the amount that I wanted him to pay in the motion....

3. In an e-mail that he sent me he brought up the fact that I DON'T need the support anyway because we have enough money......

4. He told me that he "researched" what could happen if the IRS decides that I do have unreported income and owe them money....(I'm trying to figure out money from what?) Why would anyone research that.....Unless they had an ulterior motive....Huh?

5. He's always mentioning the expensive "vacations" that I'm going on and bags that I have etc. (Well, considering the amount of money that he makes, if he would save a little, he could do the same thing.)

So, here's what I have.....A VW Beetle, a neurotic dog that sheds under stress, a few Louis Vuitton bags that my husband gave me the money for after much pleading....and a deadbeat ex-husband that just won't pay child support.

Funny, I wouldn't think the IRS would be all that interested in that....I filed my meager earnings from the Army last year....

My question is; Why would they be interviewing my ex?

Karma's a bitch, just watch out....