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Monday, February 15, 2010

Gluten Is A Four-Letter Word

My BlackBerry rang Friday with a call from my MD and she told me that I have Celiac's Disease.  If you don't know what that lovely medical term means... It is code for "your life sucks and you can't ever eat anything with flour in it AGAIN!"  EVER! 

You have no idea how many things have GLUTEN in them....  Gluten is now a four letter word.  and I hate it.  Not to mention the fact that I stopped eating it, and I don't feel any different.  Not one little teensy bit.  I still feel like crap!

If you have this, you also know how tough it is to shop for yourself.  And expensive.

Great.  Thanks a lot.  It's bad enough that I have Asperger's, then the dairy allergy....Now this.

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